
This game was created for the BornHack 2024 game jam: https://itch.io/jam/bornhack-2024-gamejam

Theme: "upside down"


The military has augmented your great old car with a high caliber Precision Explosion Weapon 2 (aka PEW PEW gun) on the roof.

But the threatening flamethrower tanks from the future arrived before the mechanics were able to finalize the weapons aiming function, so it can only fire straight upwards. As a tactical band-aid solution, you have cranked up the suspension on your car to be able to get airborne. With this you can fling yourself over the enemy tanks to be able to shoot them.

The time traveling tanks are arriving, so you must hurry to eliminate them!



  • Forward: W/up arrow
  • Reverse/brake: S/down arrow
  • Steer left: A/left arrow
  • Steer right: D/right arrow
  • Jump: space
  • Reset car (in case you get stuck): R
  • Fire: Ctrl/Enter/F
  • Honk: H
  • Pause: Esc

Xbox controller

  • Forward: RT
  • Reverse/brake: LT
  • Steering: left joystick
  • Jump: A
  • Reset car (in case you get stuck): Y
  • Fire: B
  • Honk: clicking right stick
  • Pause: Start menu


  • There's no win condition. When you beat level 10, the game might bug out, or just do nothing. You will have to bring your own confetti.
  • There's no lose condition. When your life goes to 0, then please restart the game manually.

PlatformsWindows, Linux, HTML5
Release date 60 days ago
Made withGodot
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Xbox controller, Gamepad (any)
LinksSource code


flippy-shooty-linux-x11-x86_64.zip 27 MB
flippy-shooty-windows-x86_64.zip 30 MB

Install instructions

For HTML version just play it in a browser that supports WebGL 2.0
HTML limitation: does not support fancier visual effects

For Nix users: download Linux version and run it via steam-run

For MacOS users: sorry but building to Mac is tricky and tedious.

For phone users: sorry, I didn't implement on-screen controls. You must use a keyboard or game controller.

For other users: just download the executable and run it.

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